Programming with R

Writing Data


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I save plots and data created in R?

  • To be able to write out plots and data from R.

Saving plots

So making publication quality plots is great but does us little good if we cannot get them out of R and into our documents.

You can save a plot from within RStudio using the ‘Export’ button in the ‘Plot’ window. This will give you the option of saving as a .pdf or as .png, .jpg or other image formats.

export plots in rstudio

Writing data

At some point, you’ll also want to write out data from R.

We can use the write.table function for this, which is very similar to the read.table function that we mentioned previously in Lesson 2. For more information on reading in your own data in R and the read.table function, check out the supplemental lesson Reading and Writing CSV Files.

Let’s create a data-cleaning script, for this analysis, we only want to focus on the gapminder data for Australia:

aust_subset <- gapminder[gapminder$country == "Australia",]


Remember in our last lesson when we discussed line breaks and the different approaches for neat and tidy code. Here, the line breaks have been placed between the different parameters of our command to make the code easier to read. One benefit to this approach is that we can then comment each line to remind ourselves what they do. Here’s our previous example with these in line comments

aust_subset <- gapminder[gapminder$country == "Australia",]

write.table(aust_subset,     # Gapminder data for countries located in Australia
  file="gapminder-aus.csv",  # Name of the output file
  sep=","                    # Comma separated

This approach becomes really beneficial when you start writing commands which use a lot of parameters.

We can examine our file right from within RStudio. In the lower-left pane under the Files tab, find the gapminder-aus.csv file. Click on it and select View File.


Hmm, that’s not quite what we wanted. Where did all these quotation marks come from? Also the row numbers are meaningless.

Let’s look at the help file to work out how to change this behaviour.


By default R will wrap character vectors with quotation marks when writing out to file. It will also write out the row and column names.

Let’s fix this:

write.table(aust_subset,     # Gapminder data for countries located in Australia
  file="gapminder-aus.csv",  # Name of the output file
  sep=",",                   # Comma separated
  quote=FALSE,               # Turn off quotation marks
  row.names=FALSE            # No row names

Now lets look at the file again:

head gapminder-aus.csv

That looks better!

Challenge 1

Write a data-cleaning script file that subsets the gapminder data to include only data points collected since 1990.

Use this script to write out the new subset to a file your working directory.

Remember to use a different file name so that the new output doesn’t overwrite your old output.

Key Points